Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heritage Community Initiatives - Braddock, PA

On Tuesday, I emailed the following four areas of the Braddock community, requesting to speak with them about their work, my goals, and how the two may line up:
-Mayor John Fetterman
-Braddock Redux
-Heritage Community Initiative
-Unsmoke Systems Artspace

On Wednesday, I received a reply email from Rachel Cohen, the Volunteer and Community Engagement Director for Heritage Community Initiative. We will be talking either on the phone or in person later this week.

Heritage has four main programs
1. Heritage 4 Kids Early Learning Center: serving kids from 6 weeks old - five years old; these kids are "far less likely to repeat grades or to need special education once in school", catch up to their peers, have improved behavior, and learn "skills and attitudes that will provide the foundations for success in school, in the work force and in life".
2. Heritage Out of School Time (HOST): kids are taken care of "before and after school, holiday breaks, and in-service days on which the school districts are closed", where they engage in "enrichment activities focusing on different aspects of their lives".
3. Heritage WorkLink:
4. Community Engagement: a huge volunteer network in Braddock that has accomplished projects such as "KaBOOM! Braddock Community Playground; Braddock Clean-up Day; Butterfly and Vegetable Garden at the 4 Kids Early Learning Center; Building benches for Port Authority & WorkLink stops in the Mon Valley".

I noticed in the photo gallery that they also have a summer camp. During my interview with Rachel, I want to ask about that program, and if that is something I could be involved in.

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